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Why California’s refinery inventory mandate is a bad idea

We get it. If supply and demand are what determine gasoline prices, you would think mandatory storage of even more gasoline in California might help to keep prices lower for consumers. But it’s not that simple. In fact, mandating that refiners keep significant volumes of gasoline in inventory ALL THE TIME is a recipe to raise everyday fuel costs in the California market and potentially reduce supplies of fuel available to Arizona and Nevada. And what’s worse, there’s no evidence that having more fuel in inventory would stop the occurrence of price jumps.

Supporting millions of jobs and contributing billions: Understanding the economic impact of U.S. refiners

The U.S. refining industry has a widespread economic impact on our nation. It supports millions of American jobs and pumps billions of dollars into the economy, as documented by the new AFPM report Economic Contributions of U.S. Petroleum Refineries. Report highlights, based on the latest full year of data available through IMPLAN (2022), are featured in this blog.

Petrochemicals are bringing home the gold

As we enjoy watching our favorite Olympic events and proudly tally Team USA medals, we can’t help but spot petrochemicals and their supporting role in the Games as well — in our athletes’ high-performance uniforms and sporting equipment, in the flags, nets and world-class venues on display throughout Paris.