WASHINGTON, D.C. – “AFPM joins other industry groups and the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee in support of the EPA’s proposal to retain current health and environment air quality standards.
By an act of Congress and with the stroke of a pen, the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) programs will continue to receive funding for the next 14 months.
In advance of the AFPM Summit, AFPM Vice President of Technical and Safety Programs Lara Swett and Technical Operations Program Leader Alyse Keller talk about one of AFPM’s premier safety programs, Walk the Line.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – AFPM President and CEO Chet Thompson today issued the following statement in response to Gov. Newsom’s executive order outlining his aspirational goal to ban the sale of new passenger cars and trucks with internal combustion engines.
Beyond digitization (converting analog information to digital) and digitalization (the technology-driven shift to business processes) lies digital transformation.
The Energy Information Administration today released figures that give everyone in the industry reason to cheer: U.S. energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in 2015 are 12% below their 2005 levels...
Decarbonizing heavy trucks and airplanes, which will continue to rely on liquid fuels for the foreseeable future, once seemed a distant dream. That is changing thanks to innovation and investment from America’s fuel refiners, which are manufacturing renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuels that cut carbon emissions by as much as 80 percent.