AFPM Senior Director of Fuels and Vehicle Policy, Patrick Kelly, testified during the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) public hearing on the proposed Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) “Set” Rule. EPA’s proposal will stifle advanced biofuels, promote first generation biofuels beyond the market’s ability to absorb them and shift overall RFS growth away from liquid biofuels and into the power electricity sector. This is completely contrary to how congress envisioned EPA’s handling of the program.
"AFPM is extremely disappointed that the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program was allowed to expire and strongly urges the Senate to pass H.R. 4470 as soon as possible so that our members can resume their longstanding, collaborative relationship with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) via the CFATS program. Our industries remain committed to providing the best security possible while the program’s regulations remain unauthorized.."
In late July, Congress allowed a valuable program that enhances security at chemical facilities across the country to expire. The program is called the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS), and its primary mission is to protect chemical facilities from potential terror threats by addressing a wide range of possible vulnerabilities, including cyberattacks.
California has officially asked the Biden administration for permission to ban the sale of new gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2035—an unprecedented move that will deny millions of Americans the ability to choose for themselves the types of cars or trucks they want to drive. The decision is entirely up to President Biden...